Friday, March 14, 2008

Take this job and put it

I don't know what the impact of the phrase is in Venezuela. But several English translations are claiming that Hugo Chávez said America can "shove" its terrorist list.

The AP headline: Chavez says US can 'shove' terrorist list.

The story quotes him: "Let them make that list and shove it in their pocket."

The Canadian press uses the same quote.

The Reuters story quotes Chávez: "Great, let them make their list and shove it in their ... pocket,"

What's the original Spanish? "Bueno, que hagan esa lista y se la metan en el ... bolsillo."

A close (and therefore awkward, ungrammatical and unclear) wording: Well, that they make that list and put them it in the pocket.

the phrase "se la metan" Contains the verb in question. There's a reflexive sense best translated in combination with "el bolsillo" meaning something like put it into their own pocket. The verb meter is simply to put in.

The English verb shove has strong connotations with putting things in other places. And it's likely that the Spanish verb has a similar connotation. A few sources add the ellipses which I imagine is meant to indicate a pause. I haven't found video or audio of the statement.

Think of someone saying stick it in your...ear. Or put it or cram it or shove it.

Place it doesn't quite capture it does it?

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